IFCM: “volunteers connecting our choral world”
The International Federation for Choral Music (IFCM) was founded in 1982 for the purpose of facilitating communication and exchange between choral musicians throughout the world. Through its diverse range of projects and programs since that time, the IFCM is fulfilling its purpose.
In a world that develops more and more sophisticated weapons, that lives with the expansion of terrorism and fear, that disrespects and abuses the environment, choral singing can be one of the most powerful unifying forces between nations. Differences in culture, political and religious ideology, race and language disappear when people sing together.
How can people who join together in song in harmony fight one another?
IFCM is the official representative of choral music on the International Music Council, a non-governmental organization (NGO), which was founded in 1949 at the request of UNESCO as an advisory body on musical matters. The International Music Council recognizes that there are perhaps more people in the world participating in choral music than in any other group artistic activity. The IMC also acknowledges that choral musicians need an organization such as IFCM to encourage and facilitate international communication and cooperation.
Through the work of a volunteer team of leading choral professionals, the IFCM:
The IFCM operates on a non-profit basis.
Official magazine of the International Federation for Choral Music, the International Choral Magazine is published quarterly in the four official languages of IFCM: English, French, German and Spanish. It is distributed in more than 80 countries on the five continents and is the official voice of choral music around the world. Publication temporarily suspended.
Read moreOur focus at the moment is to unite the choral calendars of international choral organisations. Meanwhile please consult the calendar of choral events published by the European Choral Association - Europa Cantat here.
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