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IFCM at home

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How to set up online rehearsals

Playlist of virtual choir projects

Video series of voice and physique warm up



6 September, 2020

Well, well....

4 September, 2020

American Choral Directors Association (ACDA)member Dr. Rebecca Lord has developed a living database of artists willing to make online guest appearances for choirs and music classes. There are separate lists in the directory for conductors, composers, vocalists, instrumentalists, and music technology professionals. Included are biographical information, areas of expertise, willingness to make presentations and/or appear as interview guests, types of groups they will visit, contact information, and fee information (optional). It is an amazing list of diverse professionals offering to appear for choir classes, events, community and church choirs – about any choral situation. (Click below to access)

2 September, 2020

The day will come!

30 August, 2020

The King's Singers have partnered with Soundabout Inclusive Choir to create this performance of 'Amazing Grace'. The arrangement was written specially by composer and music therapist Steve Dunachie, to allow participation by all members of Soundabout Inclusive Choir, and to reflect the spirit of collaboration and partnership that is so important to the world today.

28 August, 2020

Enjoy the closing performances from the wonderful Africa Cantat Festival 2020 online edition! Congratulations to the organizing Team for putting together such a great programme during these hard times!

26 August, 2020

If you are looking for great choral concert to listen during the pandemic, don't miss on the growing channel fo the World Youth Choir!


24 August, 2020

Little fun for today :)


22 August, 2020

Sign up now for your favorite webinars at Africa Cantat Festival 2020online edition NOW! Click below to find out more!


20 August, 2020

The Cantemus Choir of Nyíregyháza, Hungary made a very exciting attemp on setting an online record in engaging people in recording their singing: they asked people in Hungary and abroad to record through a mobile app the iconic melody and lyrics of the rock opera "Stephen, the King" from 1983. The results have been verified and they had 7336 successful uploads from 47 countries - isn't it amazing? Congratulations and watch the videoclip edited by their media partner, the TV Station of Nyíregyháza!  

18 August, 2020

After hearing the sad news that the World Symposium on Choral Music got cancelled due to the current pandemic Junges Vokalensemble Hannover created this amazing virtual choir video with the Maori Song "Mõ Maria" (Ave Maria) sending their kindest regards to their friends in New Zealand and Australia.


16 August, 2020

Did the quarantine help you in improving this skill of yours? :)

12 August, 2020

How do you feel? Can you agree?

10 August, 2020

In these challenging times for two choirs living in different countries the only way to sing together is probably to make a virtual choir project. This is a special project between two choirs that have an amazing bond. University of Pretoria, Tuks Camerata from South Africa and Barnsley Youth Choir (UK). The pandemic kept these choirs apart this year, as their international tour was cancelled. So they decided to do a virtual choir video together also with the hope to inspire others.

8 August, 2020

6 August, 2020


4 August, 2020

Vox Virtual Festival - A Cappella Online | AN ONLINE A CAPPELLA FESTIVAL featuring daily livestreamed concerts, interviews, and workshops by vocal groups from around the world. Concerts will be livestreamed FREE August 22-29, 2020, through Facebook and YouTube. Schedule coming soon! More info:

2 August, 2020

Mark your calendar! A webinar on the preliminary study results on the safety of singing from University of Colorado Boulder and University of Maryland will be Monday, Aug. 10. 5 pm ET, 4 pm CT, 3 pm MT, 2 pm PTNo registration necessary. Watch live on 


30 July, 2020

Did you miss any of the amazing webinars European Choral Association - Europa Cantat hosted and organized in the last few months? Don't worry you can watch all of them back in full length! Choral Repertoire - Find Inspiration | The intelligent Choir & Vocal Painting |Auditioning for a (inter)national (youth) Choir |

28 July, 2020

Less than one month until the first ever Africa Cantat festival ONLINE edition! More info here:

26 July, 2020

Copyright and permissions have never been more relevant than they are right now as ensembles attempt to navigate online platforms to share their performances. This webinar will provide an overview of the steps necessary to be in copyright compliance for online engagement.

24 July, 2020

22 July, 2020

Music makes the COVID go! This is exactly the mood the world needs right now! Thanks Little Singers of Armeniafor making such a wonderful video.

20 July, 2020


18 July, 2020

Did you know that our Founding Member, the European Choral Association collected tons of useful inforamtion concerning COVID and singing? You can find the document here:

16 July, 2020

Which type is more like you during quarantine? :)

14 July, 2020


12 July, 2020

Reunion of 130 amazing voices while staying at home and isolated.

10 July, 2020

Did you create a virtual choir video during the pandemic? Send us the link to our social media accounts or via email ( and we will add it to our virtual choir playlist.

8 July, 2020


6 July, 2020


4 July, 2020


2 July, 2020

One week until this exiting webinar! Join the webinar on the 9th of July, 11:00 CEST and find out how your audition can be noticed and remembered! (Click on the photo below to register)

1 July, 2020

Celebrating  the 317th birthday of Saint Petersburg virtually with music and singing :)

30 June, 2020

Join this webinar today! (Click on the photo for registration and more info)

29 June, 2020

This is so much on point! What is your experience?


28 June, 2020

Let's hope that these kind of concerts will come back very soon...


27 June, 2020

What a great and beautiful way to say thanks to your conductor respecting the current regulations and social restrictions.

26 June, 2020


25 June, 2020

Virtual choir: Batavia Madrigal Singers sing The Lord Bless You and Keep You by John Rutter.

24 June, 2020

"Why Do We Sing Together During Quarantine? Why are we all singing together during quarantine?Whether it’s balcony singing in Italy or Zoom “choirs” on YouTube, group singing has become extremely popular.So why might that be? Well, Bessel van der Kolk, MD has an idea. Have a listen." (source:

23 June, 2020

Enjoy the full session about the vison of the World Youth Choir with the title: "Many voices, diverse cultures, musical excellence, one message" organized in the framework of the JMI What Can Music Do? World Music Day Pop-up Festival online event featuring board members, a conductor and musicians from different generations of the programme. (Click on the photo to watch video)

22 June, 2020

Despite the geographical distance that separates the choirs, 167 singers from a total of 21 award-winning choirs have joined together to perform Frank Ticheli's "Earth Song", a song that prays for harmony and peace in times of darkness and conflict.

21 June, 2020

How can music in our soul can bring happiness to all, and how can music encourage potential young people through the power of choral singing? Watch the next episode of SACTalk with the amazing Naomi Faran. Don't forget also to jump to 2:01:30 where our Operations Manager, Iva Radulović gives a short presentation about IFCM. :)


20 June, 2020

International World Music Day Pop-up Festival by JM International - JMI! Two days to celebrate, connect, share, learn and hopefully, start to solve some of the key challenges facing youth music today. An online event featuring music performances, panel discussions, think tanks, workshops, networking and more… IFCM is proud to be in the exhibition area during this great online event. We hope to "see" you there. More details:

19 June, 2020

′′How to get back to activity?" - an online conference organized by Coros Portugal - Associação Portuguesa de Música Coral featuring numerous professionals from the choral field. Ms Emily Kuo Vong, IFCM President also joined the discussion.

18 June, 2020

Did you miss this amazing webinar on Intelligent Choir & Vocal Painting? Click on the photo below to watch it in full length.

16 June, 2020

Check out the edited version of the 2nd webinar: Singing: What We CAN Do. Moderated by Brian Newhouse, board chair of Chorus America, a variety of guests shared promising projects and existing and emerging technologies that keep us connected and singing.

15 June, 2020

With the slogen 'We are much more than two' the Fundación Schola Cantorum de Venezuela premiered this beautiful virtual choir video, 'Te Quiero' by. Alberto Favero, Poetry: Mario Benedetti Arr: Liliana Cangiano.300 voices from 27 countries in 5 continents came together joining hearts and voices to sing a message that finds echo in all hearts and helps us to feel close. 'Te Quiero' is an emblematic song for the Venezuelan Choral Movement and for many choirs in Latin America.



10 June, 2020

Article: When will it be safe to sing together again? Choirs have been linked to several coronavirus outbreaks. And some scientists are skeptical about efforts to bring them back with protective measures. - by The New York Times (Click on the photo to read more) 



9 June, 2020

Virtual choir of the day: Let my love be heard, Jake Runestad by Les Conférences Vocales, directed by Laetitia Toulouse


8 June, 2020

Webinar: Meet Jim Daus Hjernøe, the head of RAMA Vocal Center, which is recognized internationally as a leading European centre of rhythmic choir conducting education and join him on Friday, 19th of June at 11 CEST at The intelligent Choir & Vocal Painting | Webinar by European Choral Association - Europa Cantat.

7 June, 2020

"Let my Love be Heard" - what a beautiful andn emotional video from Ensemble Conférences Vocales. Enjoy!

6 June, 2020

"People must show that culture and art are essential. If young people think society will not support them if times are bad, I am worried that there will be no singers. The future is being decided now." - Jonas Kaufmann, world-famous opear singer.

In late April, tenor Jonas Kaufmann started a petition with his baritone colleague Ludovic Tézier in support of those working in the performing arts. Read more about it in this article.

LONDON, ENGLAND - JUNE 17: Jonas Kaufmann as Otello in the Royal Opera's production of Giuseppe Verdi's Othello directed by Keith Warner and conducted by Antonio Pappano at The Royal Opera House on June 17, 2017 in London, England. (Photo by Robbie Jack/Corbis via Getty Images)

5 June, 2020

Almost 100 videos arrived to our Youtube playlist in just 2 weeks. Thank you so much for sending your wonderful videos, please keep them coming :)


4 June, 2020

Would you like to dig deeper in useful choral resources? The Singing Network compiled a nice list of Covid-19 resources from a variety of provincial, national, and international organizations. (Click on the photo below)

3 June, 2020

Keep it strong, tomorrow is already Friday! :) Enjoy this marvellous video by One Voice Children's Choir singing Memories from Maroon5.

2 June, 2020

Don't miss our latest choral news from all around the world. Click on the photo to choose from 9 lanuages.

1 June, 2020

Webinar: Choral "Relevance" in a Time of COVID-19.

31 May, 2020

Knowing that the first ever Africa Cantat festival to be organized in Kenya was recently postponed due to the pandemic we wanted to share with you this powerful virtual project by Kenya Choral Directors Trust where more than 200 Kenyans united to sing their national anthem.


30 May, 2020

Have you seen this Musical Moments series by Philip Brunelle as he talks and plays music from different composers everyday? (Click on the photo below to jumpt to the source)

29 May, 2020

An amazing video by the Qatar Concert Choir and the Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra bringing joy to our doors during these hard times.

28 May, 2020

In the same week when WSCM2020 got cancelled, the New Zealand Choral Federation was also forced to cancel their major secondary schools festival, The Big Sing, much to the enormous disappointment of so many singers and choir directors. They quickly swung into launching a virtual choir project for the kids to work on during lockdown. We’re thrilled to share with you this very special video of students singing the waiata A te tarakihi from their bubbles all across New Zealand. 


27 May, 2020

Virtual choir of the day: "Grateful Heart" by Hussein Janmohamed, performed beautifully by Primus, Amabile Men's Choir.

26 May, 2020

Webinar: Topic: Singing: What We CAN Do - watch the full webinar where 8 leaders share promising projects and technologies that keep us connected and singing.


25 May, 2020

Some more tips on how to help musicians make it through the Coronavirus Pandemic. (Click on the photo to read the article)

24 May, 2020



23 May, 2020

Article: if you feel now a little overloaded with the COVID topic, don't miss this exciting interview with Philip Lawson who was a baritone with The King’s Singers for 18 years, and was for most of that time also their principal arranger. (Click on the photo to read the article)

22 May, 2020

Would you like to join a virtual choir as an individual singer? The Virtual Choir Network recently posted their 2nd project and is looking for singers now. Click below to watch the video and read all the details and instruction in the description to join this initiative.

21 May, 2020

A wonderful and touching tribute to the healthcare workers in Qatar and across the world, performed by Qatar Youth Choir. (Click on the photo below to watch the video)

20 May, 2020

A few weeks ago, some singers of the World Youth Choir sessions 2018-2020 had the idea to come together virtually and sing An Irish Blessing (Irish traditional, arr. by James E. Moore). Enjoy this stunning performance of 71 young singers and WYC board members from 32 countries.

19 May, 2020

Amusing, professional, creative and created in isolation? This video by Phoenix Chamber Choir from Vancouver, BC, Canada has it ALL! (Click on the photo below to watch the video)

18 May, 2020

Our Founding Member, European Choral Association - Europa Cantat gathered lots of useful resources and information connected to our choral life impacted by COVID19. (Click on the photo below to access the materials)

17 May, 2020

"Choir is singing, choir is performance, BUT choir is so much more! It is about teaching and learning, growing, connecting, community, cultural exploration and transmission, and innovating.The beautiful “fish rocks” in this video are from a Zoom project with our younger choristers. They represent so much of what we believe in; keeping the history of our resilient culture and people in our minds and hearts, and keeping our community connected as we navigate through this uncertain time. There is no better song for us to sing right now to help remind us of that resilient culture than our Ode to Newfoundland, arranged by D.F. Cook." by Shallaway Youth Choir (Click on the photo below to watch this touching video)

16 May, 2020

Another quick poll result from our Instagram followers. Which side are you on?


15 May, 2020

We started to collect our favourite virtual choral projects that have been created as a result of the current pandemic situation in a playlist. Did you also make similar videos recently? Please send the links to us on social media or to this address:, and we will add your virtual projects to this playlist as well. (Click on the photo below to start watching these amazing videos)

14 May, 2020

The pandemic shut down choirs but we’re finding new ways to sing together. Read the article published in today's The Washington Post written by Tim Sharp, IFCM Vice-President, and executive director of the American Choral Directors Association. (Click on the photo to read the article)

13 May, 2020

Little fun for today :)

12 May, 2020

Virtual choir of the day: If you are only about to watch one virtual choir a day we suggest this one for today! The King's Singers brought together an amazing virtual project with more than 750 singers (Stay At home Choir) singing "And So It Goes" showing how strong we can be together. (Click on the photo below to watch the video)

11 May, 2020

Don't miss the webinar this Wednesday (13 of May) of our Founding Member, European Choral Association - Europa Cantat. The session titled as "Choral Repertoire: find inspiration" will cover topics like how to build a good programme, how to create new music yourself, how to discover an interesting repertoire of different styles and how and where to find the scores you need. Find more info here:  Register here:

10 May, 2020

COVID-19: staying connected: a great article on how to keep music in our lives during the pandema situation. This article covers important topics like how to make music with your group, make music between rehearsals, create a video/audio performance, connect socially with your group, make music with others, keep enjoying music. (Click on the photo to read the article)

9 May, 2020

A Guide to Remote Music Education Resources During the Coronavirus (Updating). An extensive list of links to resources offering options for remote music education during these times. (Click on the photo to read the article)


8 May, 2020

Have you experienced this recently?

7 May, 2020

Article day: How do you conduct virtual choir practices with more than 300 kids? The Philadelphia Boys Choir is learning how. (Click on the photo to read the article)

 How do you conduct virtual choir practices with more than 300 kids? The Philadelphia Boys Choir is learning how.

6 May, 2020

The National Association of Teachers of Singing, the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA), Chorus America, Barbershop Harmony Society, and Performing Arts Medical Association (PAMA) presented an important webinar about the near term future of singing as we seek fact based solutions in protecting our singers, teachers, and conductors during this time.  The live webinar hosted by NATS was moderated by Tim Sharp, executive director of ACDA, Catherine Dehoney, president and CEO of Chorus America, Marty Monson, CEO of the Barbershop Harmony Society, and Allen Henderson, executive director of NATS.

5 May, 2020

Listen to this touching video created by the University of the Philippines Singing Ambassadors as their offering and prayer to the frontliners who bravely work day and night during these tying times.


4 May, 2020

We especially need this during these times....


3 May, 2020

A good article by Chorus Connection why you should take your choir rehearsals online (click on the photo below to open the article).



2 May, 2020


1 May, 2020

We asked our Instagram followers whether they could maintain their choral activities virtually during lockdown. Here is the result. What about you?



How to set up online rehearsals:

Part 1

 Part 2


A playlist of virtual choir projects created in the time of social distancing


A series of videos by Panda van Proosdij for warming up your voice and physique during lockdown


IFCM International Choral Magazine

Official magazine of the International Federation for Choral Music, the International Choral Magazine is published quarterly in the four official languages of IFCM: English, French, German and Spanish. It is distributed in more than 80 countries on the five continents and is the official voice of choral music around the world. Publication temporarily suspended.

Read more
Global Choral Calendar

Our focus at the moment is to unite the choral calendars of international choral organisations. Meanwhile please consult the calendar of choral events published by the European Choral Association - Europa Cantat here.

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