Approximately 5,000 young people from all over the world are expected to attend the Pueri Cantores International Choir Festival in Munich on 16-20 July 2025. Under the motto: Cantate Domino - polyphonic for peace - #comeandsing, the program includes a festival of nations on Munich's Marienplatz, mother-tongue services in the inner-city churches, prayers for peace, and concerts in churches, concert venues, and social institutions throughout the archdiocese. The festival is organized by a specially founded association and supported by the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising. Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Munich and Freising, and Ilse Aigner, President of the Bavarian State Parliament, are the patrons of the festival.
Registration now open until 31 January 2024.
Pueri Cantores, a choral association of Catholic boys, girls, children, and youth choirs, is committed to the cultivation of choral music and the organization of church services in 40+ countries. It promotes exchanges, encounters, and partnerships between choirs as well as peace work. The Pueri Cantores International Choir Festivals make a valuable contribution to cultural exchange: children and youth come together from all over the world to sing with their own unique voices in a global community. In addition to a spiritual component, the focus of Pueri Cantores festivals is on the encounter and presentation of cultures. Children and young people become ambassadors for their respective cultures.
Pueri Cantores is pleased to host the 3rd YOUNG, Youth International Cultural Management Program during its Festival 2025 (see above). The Pueri Cantores festival team looks forward to meeting the selected young volunteers, sharing experiences, and working closely together on the organisation of 45th International Congress of Pueri Cantores.
Official magazine of the International Federation for Choral Music, the International Choral Magazine is published quarterly in the four official languages of IFCM: English, French, German and Spanish. It is distributed in more than 80 countries on the five continents and is the official voice of choral music around the world. Publication temporarily suspended.
Read moreOur focus at the moment is to unite the choral calendars of international choral organisations. Meanwhile please consult the calendar of choral events published by the European Choral Association - Europa Cantat here.
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