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Jul 31
Remembering Darinka Matić Marović (Serbia)
Published: Jul 31,2021

Darinka Matić Marović (06.02.1937-15.07.2020) was a lady of world fame and respect. An artist, conductor, professor, and first women Dean of University of Art in Belgrade, Darinka was determined, sharp, focused, emotional, strong in performance, and gentle at heart. She remained the center of cultural life and set high standards for new generations of artists. Darinka was a woman of music.  On the very mention of her name, people immediately connect three music institutions: Academic Choir Collegium Musicum, Academic Choir Obilic, and Faculty of Music Arts in Belgrade. Darinka’s outstanding work was rewarded throughout her life, and she was the winner of many awards and high achievements in the region and in the world. 

In honor of Darinka Matić Marović, KotorArt, a festival in Montenegro, established a special reward named after her. The prize will be given every two years to the most prominent artists for works or achievements that represent an outstanding contribution to the development of musical art in the Ex-Yu area and for female artists originating from this area. An international jury consisting of renowned music artists determines the award recipient. This year, Darinka is certainly smiling and approving of the decision - the winner is Dragana V. Jovanović, Doctor of Arts, Professor at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade and conductor of the Collegium Musicum Choir.


IFCM International Choral Magazine

Official magazine of the International Federation for Choral Music, the International Choral Magazine is published quarterly in the four official languages of IFCM: English, French, German and Spanish. It is distributed in more than 80 countries on the five continents and is the official voice of choral music around the world. Publication temporarily suspended.

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Global Choral Calendar

Our focus at the moment is to unite the choral calendars of international choral organisations. Meanwhile please consult the calendar of choral events published by the European Choral Association - Europa Cantat here.

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