News and events
Apr 25
IFCM Member running a survey for her thesis: take part in it!
Published: Apr 25,2024

IFCM member Anastasia Kananovich (France) is a first year PhD student in Linguistics at the University of Strasbourg (France). She invites you to participate in the survey that will form the basis of her thesis:

The aim is to document your current and past perceptions and experiences of texts sung by choirs. This survey is anonymous. It should take 10-15 minutes to complete.

Thank you in advance for your kind contribution to help Anastasia!

Questionnaire sur les textes chantés par les choeurs

Membre de la FIMC, Anastasia Kananovich est étudiante en première année de doctorat en sciences du langage à l’Université de Strasbourg (France). Dans ce cadre, elle  vous invite à bien vouloir répondre au questionnaire sur lequel reposera sa thèse:

Le but est de récolter vos expériences et ressentis (présents ou passés) par rapport aux textes chantés par les chœurs. 

Ce questionnaire est anonyme. Il devrait vous prendre entre 10 et 15 minutes.

En vous remerciant par avance de votre aimable contribution!


IFCM International Choral Magazine

Official magazine of the International Federation for Choral Music, the International Choral Magazine is published quarterly in the four official languages of IFCM: English, French, German and Spanish. It is distributed in more than 80 countries on the five continents and is the official voice of choral music around the world.

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Global Choral Calendar

Our focus at the moment is to unite the choral calendars of international choral organisations. Meanwhile please consult the calendar of choral events published by the European Choral Association - Europa Cantat here.

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